Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Do You Find the Best Car Seat to Protect Your Child

Choosing a good car seat for your child's protection is a prime consideration for any new parent. To give your child the best chance of escaping injury in the event of a collision, you'll need to a car seat suited to your child's age and weight.

To choose a proper car seat, you'll need to understand that there are three main types of car seats for children. These are: infant car seats, infant / toddler (convertible) car seats, and booster seats.

Infant Car Seats

If you have a newborn baby, or your child is under a year old, he needs to ride in a rear-facing car seat. You'll need to decide on buy a rear-facing infant car seat, or you can buy an infant / toddler car seat (also called a convertible car seat). The difference between the two is that the infant car seat is designed for babies around 20 pounds and under, while the convertible car seat be used facing the rear until your child is a year old and at least 20 pounds, before turning it to face forward. If you purchase an infant car seat, rest assured that the new models have a five-point harness to keep your baby strapped in securely. The disadvantage, of course, is that you'll need to buy a convertible car seat later when your child grows older.

Infant / toddler (convertible)

Car Seats These car seats are larger than infant-only car seats and more expensive. However, they can be used for your child from the newborn stage (when he is less than a year old and under 20 pounds) right up to the toddler stage (when he is at least a year old and at least 20 pounds). It depends on your choice. Some parents choose to use convertible car seats as their primary car seat from day one. Others only switch to an infant/toddler convertible seat when their baby outgrows the infant car seat.

Booster Car Seats

Booster car seats are meant for children age 3 and older who weigh at least 40 pounds. What's the function of these seats? What they do is to boost your child into a position that makes it safe to use the car's existing seat belt system. Booster seats will cost of (they're pretty expensive) but they'll give your grown toddler a sense of 'adulthood' since most of the models are ergonomic, plush and cool.

About The Author

Gary Hendricks is the editor of, a hobby website offering articles on parenting, baby care and baby products.

By Gary Hendricks

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blessings Or Transgressors

Estate agents are there to help people in need of properties for housing, commercial or other purposes. They are there to provide their services that varies from giving advices for properties, making two parties meet up for a deal. They are there to lend a hand to tenants, property sellers and buyers, to landlords etc. They are can provide an interested party with all the technicalities, particulars, prices and everything through their own medium, right at the party's doorstep. It is convenient to involve a middleman when a person wants a property so that he can save his time and energy. These estate agents carry out these services in return of what is known as commission.

The darker side of their business is that while they are offering their services they are filled with greed and they aim at gaining their commissions as much and soon as possible. In trying to achieve this they cause a misbalance in the proper flow of country's economic development.

Many of the agents in greed of earning commission mislead buyers through false information concerning the peculiars about the property. Rental housing acquired with the aid of agents for middleclass people often have them facing a huge financial loss. They end up having a totally contradictory situation to what they had been informed about by the agents. The extra loss is rendered for the commission paid by them. Mental stress plays its own part. They may sell properties already been sold off. The property owners pay agents extra if they manage to fish and convince buyers who are willing to buy their properties at double prices. This is especially a trait that these middlemen possess of convincing their clients and talking them into making deals they would otherwise get at much lower rates. It is more like a trend these days to involve these middlemen to escape and avoid efforts required for buying property whether it involves residential, business, trade or commercial purposes.

The other thing that agents do is they hardly ever let the two parties that he's dealing with meet one another and interact on their own, making their own false statements. Make people believe the buyer or the seller is out of reach and there is no way the can have direct contact with them. Real, professional agents would never turn to such acts but many unemployed people adopt these measures in order to earn easy money and pretend that they are professionals and thus looting innocent people. Estate agents are both a blessing and curse to people in the business world at the same time.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Investing, and Finance

Monday, December 29, 2008

Developing Your Child's Motor Skills

Early childhood is a very physical time. Preschoolers devote much of their days to these kinds of actions for a simple reason: they must practice using their arms, legs, hands, and fingers. Scientists and educators refer to the process by which children slowly gain control over their bodies as motor development. They generally divide motor skills into two broad categories. Large motor skills involve muscle activities such as walking or moving one's arms. Fine motor skills require the use of smaller muscles and involve more precise moments, such as using the fingers to draw.

Good motor skills are important to your child's physical fitness and ability to conduct everyday activities like brushing her teeth, or getting the cereal from her bowl to her mouth. Motor skills are also a major factor affecting a child's early intellectual development. Activities that build good physical skills are intimately connected with a child's intellectual development. The better a young child's motor skills, the more she can explore. The more she can explore, the more she can learn. Also, motor skills assist in a child's social and emotional development. Competent motor skills give young children a greater sense of being in control and able to do things for themselves.

This helps to build confidence and independence. It also enables children to take part in social interactions (like playing patty-cake with big brother. Simply put, good motor skills bring great happiness to small children. Another major factor that is affected by a child's more skills is success in school. When your child gets to school, her teachers will expect her to be able to do certain basic things, such as hang up her coat, and carry things without dropping them. Many group activities will involve various motor skills, from joining hands and dancing in a circle to finger painting, cutting, and pasting. Finally, writing is a factor that is developed through a child's motor skills. This critical academic activity requires a lot of fine motor skill. No one expects your child to be able to write nearly when she reaches school, but if she does not have the skills that enable her to hold and manipulate a crayon or pencil; she will have difficulty learning to print letters and numbers.

Generally speaking, two things must happen for a child to acquire good motor skills. First, she must do lots of physical growing. Her muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems must all develop and strengthen. Second, she must gain coordination. She must learn to orchestrate the movements of her muscles to achieve desired results. She must also learn to gauge distances and direct her hand movements under the guidance of her eyes. This is a matter of practice-lots if it. One big reason children enjoy scribbling, coloring, building with blocks, taking things apart and putting them back together is that such games turn clumsy hands in to deft fingers.

Nature seems to have programmed little kids to enjoy doing things that help them develop. Even babies do a seemingly endless amount of reaching, grabbing, fingering, and dropping of objects in order to exercise the body and develop coordination. During the toddler and preschool years, children spend a great deal of time catching and throwing balls, hopping up and down, pushing and pulling wagons-all activities that aid in motor development.

The process of gaining motor skills by not means flows at any even pace. It is common for a young child to make rapid advances in a particular ability, suddenly stall for several weeks, or even seem to regress in a particular ability, then just a suddenly zoom ahead again. Further more, different children gain control over their bodies at a slightly different speeds. For example, it is normal for one child to begin walking at fourteen months when his older sisters took her first step at age one. In any group of preschoolers, some kids will be a bit further along than others at throwing and catching, jumping rope, drawing, and such.

Since they naturally spend so much time using their arms and legs and hands, children do not need any special classes or exercise to help them develop competent motor skills. So long as they have proper nourishment, adequate health care, plenty of physical activity, opportunities to play, and encouragement from adults, most do just fine in learning to control their bodies.

The key thing to remember is that early childhood should an active time. That means less time in front of the TV, and lots of playing and exploring the world. Physical activity in the preschool years helps your child grow up happy and strong, and is an important part of getting ready for school.
About the Author

Sunday, December 28, 2008

3Levels of Successful Selling

3-Levels of Successful Selling

 by: Paul Shearstone

Any selling approach that lacks a proven strategy, a practiced proficiency for its application and most significantly, a full understanding of its psychological, human behavioral import is at best, a wishful endeavor. Paul Shearstone 2003


No one ever questions the fact there are born athletes who, when compared to others, make what they do look effortless. For these athletes, instinct seems to guide them like a good road map. That is their gift.

Exceptional though they may be, even athletes like Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan, would never rise to their true potential without one integral ingredient - Coaching.

Although Ive written many articles on Coaching, this isnt one of them. I mention it only to point out that the aspect of coaching, is Mental. That is to say, gifted athletes already possess the physical skills necessary to excel. Nevertheless, it is only one aspect of their sporting expertise.

Who among us hasnt heard a professional coach say things like: I only want players with a good head on their shoulders or, I only want players with Heart!

What are they saying? They [Coaches are saying there is more than one key discipline for success in sports and that whats in the heart and head is more important than most all other attributes. The right knowledge and the right attitude, compensates for, often usurps, things like natural talent.

Can the same thing be said for Natural Born Sales People and the Discipline of Selling? Bet on it!

The Rule:

Renowned sales guru, Dale Carnegie, is known to be the architect of the Five Steps to a Sale selling process. Over the years, his successful program has stood the test of time and spawned many other successful interpretations upon his theme. Up Your Income! Solution Selling for Profitability by Paul Shearstone [available at all fine book stores and on the Net, is just one of them. :-)

The reason for the success of Carnegies strategy is largely due to its simplicity. In short, five clearly defined, easy to understand Laws or Rules that apply to almost all products or services. For example:

Step #1: Talk to your customer Briefly regarding something that interests Them.

Easy to say but what does it mean? Simply put, when salespeople meet customers for the first time, they must say or do things to help with the initial Get-Ta-Know-Ya bonding process. Dale said, in your opening meeting with customers, the best way to get them to like you is to engage them in brief conversations about things they find most interesting. I could go on to elaborate further but the fact is, it works.

The real lesson here is, now knowing this Rule, those without natural born sales abilities can integrate it into their selling approach and be guaranteed better results in the introduction stage of the sale. Incorporating the four remaining steps can unquestionably level the playing field with other competitive seasoned selling professionals but only if the steps are applied Correctly!

The Application:

Home Depot may have every tool we could imagine but if you dont know how to use them, what good are they? In professional selling, RULES are TOOLS. Use them right and they work.

One need only look at the home libraries of most mediocre salespeople to find plenty of books and tapes filled with time-tested and proven rules designed to garner more sales, profit and success. The courses have been taken and the rules have been learned but sadly, NEVER PRACTICED!

Tiger Woods / Michael Jordan / Wayne Gretzky pick any one you like. At the top of their game, they still practice/d the basics [the Rules. Name any professional discipline; would a surgeon be allowed operate on someone without first having benefit of exhaustive practice? I sure hope not!

The irony is, selling is the only professional discipline that allows someone to start with no experience and learn on the job. Even a professional laborer has to apprentice first.

The point? Knowing what to say is only part of the success-formula in selling. Much like any Academy Award-Winning actor, his or her part is honed and made convincing [award-winning only through rehearsal and practice.

In Sales: To the degree a sales-pitch appears natural and spontaneous, is in direct proportion to the practice put in it! Paul Shearstone 2000 [from the book Up Your Income!

The Psychological Import:

Independent, confident personalities may make great leaders not always great believers. My policy in life has always been to be guarded in what information Ill take in or believe. I am not a skeptic but since: [According to Albert Einstein We become what we believe, and, [According to Abraham Mazlow Most people live lives of quiet desperation, my reluctance to accept the reality-interpretations of others has served me well. It hasnt, however, stopped me from asking the question, Why?

Anyone looking for the one defining ingredient that separates top sellers from the rest can find it here. Much like the runner who wins gold by 1/100th of a second, the difference is subtle but dramatic.

In selling, knowing the Rule and learning to deliver the Rule, still pales in comparison to the importance of knowing WHY the Rule is so integrally important to the success of the process.

How much more successful, more convincing could one be if they knew the answers to: Why is it so vital the Rule be done at this time, this way and not another? What is the psychological, human-behavioral importance of such a rule and why are my chances of success predictably diminished should the rule be overlooked or poorly articulated? How does this Rule psychologically embolden my interaction with the customer resulting in mutual respect, rapport and better communication? and so on.

At the risk of diluting this point, consider this. The worlds best Landscape Architects concentrate their designs more on the artistic value or utilitarian purposes of the open spaces where nothing is giving lesser importance and an academic expectation to the fact, the flora and fauna appeal is a given.

Comparing that to elite salespeople, their methodology is focused at a higher level, gravitating more toward the natural laws of human interaction and psychology the esoteric the essence for which the Rules of Selling were written and in which they find credibility. Their delivery appears effortless albeit transparently deliberate. What they do and the success they achieve is not by accident!

The Bottom Line:

The discipline of the Professional Sell is both an art and a science. As such and in keeping with all other disciplines, mastery finds bedrock in the academic understanding of its Laws, its Applications and its Rationales.

About The Author

Paul Shearstone aka The Pragmatic Persuasionist is one of North Americas foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation, Corporate Ethics, / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590. or

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Are You Ready for the Next Move into Commercial Real Estate?

Commercial real estate investment property, Are you ready to move into this market?

A prime commercial real estate investment site was listed by a local agent in my area recently. It was a Salvation Army hall with a three bedroom brick house detached from the hall. The site was nearly ? of an acre right in the middle of the Central Business District of a regional town that is growing rapidly despite the slight down turn in the local economy.

The agent listing the property had printed up a glossy brochure with an aerial photograph of the CBD showing all the prominent buildings including McDonalds, all the major banks and supermarkets, Post Offices and government buildings. The pitch of the advertorial was the close proximity to all these major players.

The first think I started to thing about was the price the real estate investment property would bring. It was fronting the highway on a corner block. Also the agent had done a great job with the advertising of the site. I found out that a lot of the local developers were interested. So immediately I knew the owners would be firm on there asking price.

For me to buy this investment property, I would need a Joint Venture partner. I had been talking to a customer of mine who was keen on getting into some commercial property. Pete organized with a friend to do some figures on developing the site. This would give us an overall costing for the purchase price, the developing, consultants and closing costs.

The great thing about this deal was it had a long settlement. I would be keen to try and delay the settlement even longer. I would be happy to resell this real estate investment deal undeveloped if some one offered me a good price. I would have to put up 10% deposit to hold the property for up to nine months. Capital growth and high demand on developing the CBD area of town would ensure me of a nice return.

Real estate investment deals like this one are about. If you are prepared to take on the risks associated with them you will create wealth while you sleep. That is what excites me some much about real estate property investing.

To your investing success.

Leo Love

PS If any of your family or friends is interested please pass this on to them.

I am an experienced and passionate investor. I buy typical mum and dad type houses that give me cash flow and capital growth. My website offers helpful tips and ideas for any type of investor to help you with your wealth creation. Using my site will help to prevent you falling into the traps the inexperienced investors do.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Skin Care Treatment Why Skin Care Products Can Revitalize or Break Your Skin

A beautiful and clear skin reflects how you eat and live. It protects your body from the harsh environment which could damage your tissues. As it represents the primary defensive system for your body, you should take care of it properly. Your goal should be to maintain the moisture, elasticity and smoothness of your skin. Using proper skin care treatment can keep your skin clean and healthy.

As you have plenty of choices when it comes to beauty products, it can be a struggle to find the right one. Check the ingredients and choose natural-based products which either use plant or herbal extracts.

Make sure they are free from alcohol. It can make your skin dry and create more lines and wrinkles. If you already have lines and wrinkles, you don't want any more added to them.

If you have allergies, select cosmetic products with hypoallergenic labels. They tend to cause lesser incidence of allergic problems than those without hypoallergenic labels. They are also gentler and safer on your skin than non-hypoallergenic products.

Don't buy any creams that clog your pores. They can clog your pores with more oil or dead skin cells regardless of your skin type. The clotted pores will turn into whiteheads or blackheads. This will promote bacteria growth and inflammation will occur. Eventually, your face will develop acne. So, only choose non-comedogenic skin creams.

Certain products contain salicylic acid which softens the thick and scaly skin. This skin shedding can treat corns, warts, calluses, psoriasis, and acne. Its strength relies on its intended usage. You have to be careful with salicylic acid as too much can hurt your skin. Always check with your doctor first especially if you are pregnant, nursing your baby, or plan to have a baby.

Most women use chemical peels to treat their faces. This facial treatment removes dry and dead skin. It makes your skin look younger and prevents your skin from being oily. If you have acne, chemical peels can help. This beauty method uses a chemical mixture. A majority of them contain natural ingredients which are extracted from fruits. If you want the best results, you should have three chemical peels on alternate months regularly.

However, consult your dermatologist first before you use any skin care product especially if you have severe acne. Never use any abrasive or harsh material on your skin. It can destroy the top layer and expose your body to infections. Try a mild skin care treatment product. They don't hurt the skin.

Imagine what your friend says when he walks up to you. If you're worried about skin problems...don't be. Let Andy Lim show you how you can restore your skin. Don't visit his skin care treatment website if you want acne and wrinkles.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Backpacking 101 Backpacking Tips For Beginners

Backpacking can be a fun and exciting adventure in nature, but surviving in the outdoors with only your gear is a dangerous risk for someone with no backpacking experience. Before even planning your first backpacking trip, become familiar with common terms, the necessary gear and equipment, and outdoor accident response and first aid procedures. Read reputable books and guides to gain a better understanding of backpacking before going out on your own. Outdoor and hiking clubs offer members organized training an outings to gain more experience and a number of government and private agencies hold backpacking and hiking classes to further your knowledge.

Backpacking also requires a great deal of physical strength and endurance. Before starting out on a long backpacking outing, you should train yourself not only for the terrain, distance, and climate, but to bear the weight of your pack on an all day trek as well. Exercise regularly and remember to work your lower back, upper back, and abdomen muscles as well as your legs. You should also be aware of your personal medical condition. Be prepared for any adverse affects you may suffer on your outing or consider an easier trip if your conditions warrant.

Plan your backpacking trip carefully far in advance of the actual date. Decide where you will hike and how many days your trip will last. Get familiar with the climate and terrain of the trail so you can adequately prepare your body and get the necessary gear. Always remember to tell friends and family about your backpacking plans. Leave detailed information of where you will be and how long you will be gone with a loved one so help can be sent in the case of an emergency.

Once you have planned your trip, you can decide on gear and equipment. Weight is the most important factor for backpacking. Consider the altitude and climate of the area you will be traveling in, as well as the forecasted weather for the days you will be backpacking. Choosing a tent and sleeping bag will depend on how you personally sleep, the weather, and the number of people going along.

Besides comfortable hiking shoes or boots, a lightweight, appropriate sized pack, and the lightest sleeping gear that meets your needs, there are a few other essential things you should always remember to pack. Most importantly, you will want a relevant, detailed map of the area you will be backpacking in and a reliable compass that you can read. Consider laminating the map to protect from element damage. Carrying all your supplies in Ziploc bags can keep them dry and help you easily find things at the same time.

You will need a flashlight and/or a headlamp. A small, lightweight flashlight is good to carry with you at all times. Remember to bring along an extra set of batteries for your lights. Pocket knives and tools are important for every trip. The Gerber 600 Pro Scout with toolkit is a great all in one option that saves on space and weight.

Pack fire starters and water and wind resistant matches for extreme conditions and emergencies. Fresh water and purifying tablets are also very important backpacking supplies. Always remember to pack a fully stocked first aid kit and a whistle for emergencies. Other items you will want to carry on every trip are a really good bug repellent, especially in summer or marshy locations, sunscreen and a lip balm with sun protection, and at least one pair of high quality sunglasses.

Remember to pack extra food, at least one extra meal, and extra fuel for your stove if the food requires cooking. The final things you need to always bring along on every backpacking trip, even a day trip, are extra clothes and emergency shelter. Extra clothes should include a wool or fleece sweater, waterproof pants and jacket, thermal underwear, insulated gloves and socks, and a warm polypro, wool, or polar fleece cap. Space bags and tube tents are good lightweight shelters.

About the Author:

For more tips and information about Backpacking Tips for Beginners, check out http:

Monday, December 22, 2008

5 Tips To Buy Cheap Repossessed Houses Through Auctions

Believe it or not, there exists within your locality small and big banks which hold or conduct auction foreclosures for those houses that are repossessed.

Lots and lots of people have decided it's better to shop for homes through such foreclosure auctions as there exists the notion and perception among the public that homes that are repossessed and sold by such banks are more cheaper.

However, industry players and experts do not agree to such a notion. There have been cases, albeit rare, which prove that repossessed houses sold by banks are not cheap at all. Though there are those that are cheap, there are always exceptions to the rule.

The following are practical and helpful advice that will prove to be insightful and helpful if you have plans to buy bank repossessed houses.

1. Know what you want

Before you go around shopping for the house you think is the ideal place you want to stay in for life, it is important that you know what you want or what your ideal abode is.

Setting standards early on make it easier to find the kind of house you will settle for. This also takes away any confusion you could have if met by a barrage of houses you all find awesomely beautiful.

2. Take note of the price

Focusing on the price of the house is important. It is so easy to be taken in by a house you find pretty without taking into consideration how much it costs.

Always look on how much the house is before you decide anything further.

3. Be reasonable

Repossessed houses sold in auctions are usually tempting. Especially when people actually are in the process of bidding each other out.

When this happens, try to resist the temptation of contesting someone else's bid by bidding a lot higher. This could lead you to a trap.

Try to think more than two times before contesting a bid that is higher. As much as possible, do not let yourself fall for a price that is unreasonable in order to acquire a bank repossessed house.

4. Avail the services of an expert

Always bring along a bank repossessed house expert. By doing such, appropriate and proper guidance as well as advice could be given you. Practical and affordable guidelines could be given to you when you need it and how.

Also, take into consideration that bank repossessed houses are craved by a lot of investors due part to their potential for high profit.

The saying you might have always heard - where one should be buying low and selling high - applies very much to this event.

5. The process

Basically, a house that is repossessed by the bank becomes such when the home owners fail to make payments on their mortgage.

This is not a process that happens quick. It could actually take a few months or so for a bank to proceed with the proceedings.

However, once finalized, a bank will then become the house's owners. Banks usually do not like to keep an inventory of houses that are repossessed as it could project a bad image on their lending prowess.

All in all, banks always want to immediately recoup any losses they have. So finding such repossessed houses is easy as long as you know where to look, what to look for and how.

To search for cheap repossessed homes, please visit

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Investors are Buying Savannah Georgia

Invest in Historic Savannah, Georgia!

There is great interest in our market not only because of the beauty and charm that is Savannah, but also because other real estate markets are not doing as well. Ours is an undervalued and accelerating market.

The Savannah economy benefits from its strategic location and port facilities. The area's transportation and distribution networks have produced increased economic activity and development. Tourism also has been a significant force in Savannah's recent economic growth. Last year Tourists contributed $1.5 Billion to our city's economy. NOW is the time to invest in real estate in Savannah, Georgia.

Unlike other markets, Savannah's is not top heavy in any one sector. Manufacturing, service, government, tourism, and a growing number of creative and technical businesses characterize Savannah's economic diversity.

Top TEN Reasons why the Savannah Economy is RED HOT!

- The Georgia Ports Authority is expected to move more than 2 million containers by the end of June 2006, which could move Savannah past Charleston to become the No. 4 container port in the country. Savannah Morning News - May 23, 2006

- Savannah - Fastest Growing Port in the USA! ~ Savannah Morning News

- $88 Million Dollars Invested in Private Property near the Downtown area. ~ Savannah Morning News - March 8, 2006

- Tourism Numbers are up in 2005. ~ Savannah Morning News - May 27, 2006

- Tourists spent $1.5 Billion in Savannah Last Year! ~ Savannah Morning News - June 23rd, 2006

- Hunter Army Airfield Grows by 1,300.... All of our new housing on post is filled and families are looking for places to live. ~ Savannah Morning News - June 30, 2006

- Gulfstream Aerospace adding at least 1,100 new jobs. ~ Savannah Morning News - March 7, 2006

- West Chatham County is BOOMING! ~ Savannah Morning News - June 4th, 2006

- Job Growth makes Savannah's Economy one of the State's Best. ~ Savannah Morning News - May 24th, 2006

- Tybee Island's Growth Continues with Luxury Homes. ~ Savannah Morning News - May 30th, 2006

- Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) continues to improve Historic Downtown. ~ Savannah College of Art and Design

- Savannah Out Performs Atlanta! ~ Savannah Morning News - March 8th, 2006

....Why Stop at TEN!

- Georgia Pacific's puts $100M in New Savannah Plant! ~ Savannah Business Journal

- AirTran Call Center to add more More Jobs in Savannah ~ Savannah Business Journal

- Maersk Line Signs 20-Year Agreement with GA Ports Authority ~ Savannah Business Journal

- Gulfstream Delivers 100th G550 Business Jet ~ Savannah Business Journal

- Memorial Again Named to Most Wired and Most Wireless Lists ~ Savannah Business Journal

- Savannah, Fastest Growing Job Market in the State ~ Savannah Economic Development Authority

- Ritz-Carlton eyeing Ogeechee River Location ~ Savannah Morning News


- Local Private Schools Investing MILLIONS in Expansion Projects ~ Savannah Morning News

Rob Caldwell - Caldwell Marketing and Development, LLC Savannah, Ga. -

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Tabata Anything Four Minutes of Pain to Gain

The Tabata workout is a high-intensity training regimen that produces remarkable results. A Tabata workout is an interval training cycle of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated without pause 8 times for a total of four minutes.

Credit for this simple but powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their groundbreaking 1996 study, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, provided documented evidence concerning the dramatic physiological benefits of high-intensity intermittent training. After just 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in his subjects, along with a 14% increase in V02Max. (Maximum oxygen consumption). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that just four minutes of Tabata interval training could do more to boost aerobic and anaerobic capacity than an hour of endurance exercise.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked cycle ergometer, you can apply this protocol to almost any exercise. For example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed with sit-ups. The more muscles used the better, so use full knees-bent sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop for 20-second intervals, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles.

You might ask, How effective can just 4 minutes of exercise be? The answer is? extremely effective! You will be amazed at how intense the four minutes of exercise will feel. The intervals tax both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. To be clear, this isn't eight sets of eight, although the goal of doing eight reps in each of the 20-second clusters is about right. Instead it's as many reps as I can get in during the twenty seconds, followed by ten seconds rest.

It helps to be able to see a wall clock with a second hand during your four minutes of fun. Stop at twenty seconds, rest ten seconds, and go again. Watching the clock helps with your focus and also in keeping count of the eight cycles...

Here is a longer Tabata workout example. This workout consists of 4 separate Tabata Intervals, each 4 minutes. The total workout will last 16 minutes. Always begin with a moderate warm-up and cool down session. And if you are not already in good shape, check with a doctor before trying.

* Jump Rope

* Pushups

* Squats

* Chin-ups or Pull-ups

Note the 10-second rest periods in the Tabata workout are important, both physically and mentally. Not only do they allow partial recovery, they also provide psychological relief. Switching back and forth from work to rest makes the workout go quickly. Plus, it allows you to train at a higher level of intensity, which what intervals are all about.

Another great Tabata exercise is the squat thruster. The squat thruster is one of the great lifts being made popular by organizations such as CrossFit. Take two dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height. Squat down, pushing your rear-end back, keeping the dumbbells on the shoulders. As you rise up, press the bells to the overhead lockout position. You can either press as you rise or use the momentum to help kick the bells overhead. Keep your weight in your heals and go light! A 30 pound dumbbell in each hand is a very difficult thruster workout!

Pretty much any form of cardiovascular exercise that uses a large number of muscles can be tailored to fit Tabata interval workouts, so feel free to be creative. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, use them with sprints, burpees, a jump rope, the heavy bag, treadmill or rowing machine. Lessen the likelihood of injury by choosing a rate of intensity suited to your level of conditioning ? be conservative. Incorporate variety into your Tabata workouts. A few sessions per week will offer plenty of intensity.

John Harker is a cardio kickboxing teacher in Santa Cruz, California. He teaches at Westside Aerobics and Martial Arts. More information can be found on their website at and in his personal blog at

Friday, December 19, 2008

Back To School Back To College Sports

It?s that time of year again, when students are heading off to college, and new sports seasons are starting for college teams. There are many ways for students, alumni, and hometown fans alike to show their loyalty, and stay warm as they cheer on their teams in dropping temperatures. While football moves indoors in colder climes for the pros, college athletes, and their fans, are likely to be playing and cheering outdoors, come rain, wind, or shine. Make sure that your favorite fan has a well stocked closet for the fall season.

The key to dressing for fall, with unpredictable weather that varies from mimicking summer to winter to everything in between, is layering. And any truly faithful fan will want each layer to reflect her loyalty. After spending the summer in t-shirts trying to stay cool, look now for long sleeve t-shirts to make the transition to cooler weather. As fall goes on, your fan will want to don a sweatshirt or windbreaker, emblazoned with his favorite team?s logo of course. Look for lined jackets for even colder days. On football weekends, your fan may be spending the whole day outdoors, tailgating, then cheering.

Baseball caps and floppy hats are the way to go for keeping summer sun off your face and neck, but they don?t do much to keep ears warm, so look for knit caps in school colors, and don?t forget matching gloves or mittens and scarves!

Dropping your kid off at college to start the year? Add some college fan items to your dorm room decorating list. Banners and posters are great for covering up bare, white walls. Toothbrushes and soap boxes will give your student fond feelings for alma mater as he heads to the showers. If she?s playing intramural sports, replica jerseys like the ones worn by the varsity teams will draw attention on the field or court, and workout gear like t-shirts, athletic shorts, and even socks will round out her gym wardrobe. Heading up for Parents? Weekend? Here?s one time it?s okay to dress like your kids. Many colleges will have special parent-wear available.

If your kid is at a school like UCLA or Notre Dame, you?ll find fan gear readily available at any number of places outside the campus bookstore. For smaller campuses, look for stores that can personalize generic items with your school?s name or embroider the school logo on clothing, backpacks, and other gear.

About the Author:

Jena Luthowski writes about Sports Fans Gear Coupons, Team Gear Coupons and Coupon Promo Codes.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

All About Booster Seats

Booster seats are the car seat that your child will advance to when he or she has outgrown the toddler car seat. Because this is the big kid car seat, you and your child should be proud. You are probably asking yourself where all the years have gone? However, there are some important things you should know about booster car seats.

Booster seats should be used in the back seat of the car, never the front. Because your child is still not big enough for the front seat and the impact of an air bag, you should always make sure that your child is in the back seat for safety reasons. Booster car seats are for children that weigh 40 to 80 pounds. Once your child has reached this weight, they should be able to sit safely in a booster car seat.

You will notice that the booster seat only faces the front of the car. Of course your child is not an infant any longer, so they will sit and face the front just as they did in the toddler car seat. A booster car seat is not as complicated as the toddler car seat really. The booster car seat, mostly consists of a seat that you sit your child onto, and strap him or her down to it. Most booster car seats do not have a back to them, which means that your child will feel bigger without the extra added cushion and sides to the car seat.

When you strap your child into the booster seat, be sure that the seat belt is fastened securely, and that they will not rock with the seat. Making sure that the seat will not rock will ensure that they will not go flying all over the car in the event of an accident. The booster car seat should not be able to budge.

Advancing to a booster seat means that your baby is growing and getting bigger. Always put your child in the backseat, and never start the car until your child is buckled securely into their car seat.

Rina has been a kindergarten teacher for more than 20 years and has 3 children of her own. She has also written several articles for a municipal magazine on raising children. At, you can find these articles for free which include researched findings from experts all around the world. Visit the car seat covers website to learn more.

By Rina Zeger

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spain a Contender in World Cup 2006

This Friday December 9, 2005 saw football lovers round the world clinging to the edge of their seats, ready and waiting to determine who they would play in the group stages of the World Cup 2006 in Germany. The ceremonial occasion contained all the anticipated fanfare and hoopla that a soccer fan would normally link with modern sporting events. In other words, the smitten sports buff was subjected to hours of mindless slobber when awaiting for the unparalleled action to start out. Whosoever puts these events together just can't perchance believe that the football fans who have tuned in to see such an event can be in any way smitten in the flaky magic exhibits and dance troops they force out. One can only believe that heavy numbers of hard cash in brown envelopes that changes hands in order to generate some feeble performers their luck to be on worldwide television. The experience was produced slenderly supplementary endurable with a handsome blonde in a revealing dress co-hosting the program.

When the standoff did at last came it was dragged out, with a horde of footballing celebrities taking balls to pick out the teams. Again, a soccer fan has to accept that the presenters and celebrities were being paid off by the second as they struggled to make this non-event into a television spectacular. This should have taken no further than fifteen minutes to carry through, but no, soccer reporting went on for a undivided three hours! Because this is an indication of affairs to hail it is no question that the tourney will take an entire calendar month to finish.

When the dust settled on the over padded proceedings in Leipzig, England came out of it rather well. Notwithstanding having traditional rivals for Sven's loyalty, Sweden, in the group, Paraguay and Trinidad & Tobago are surely there just to make things fair. With the top two from every group coming along to the second round, England are favorites to proceed into this phase with out too much trouble. Depending on the setting in both England's group (B) and the Germany / Poland group (A) the substitutions perchance set up an early crunch match with the hosts. Even so this would bank on either Germany or England neglecting to win their various groups and an England vs. Poland second round match is tremendously additional probable. Providing this potential banana skin can be negotiated, the usual is that England will crash out on penalties in the quarter finals to either Holland or Argentina. All England buffs, notwithstanding the optimism that usually rings the ballyhoo to a world cup, hold a sensation of the inevitable heroical defeat in the latter stages of the tourney. The common comments have been made up by the various directors, with Sven contributing in his normal unrestrained flair.

Perhaps the most intriguing groups are C, where Holland and Argentina are drawn jointly, and E, where Italy takes on USA, Czech Republic and Ghana. Normally ho-hum starters to tourneys, and having broke down to go on from the group stages last time around, Italy stand a tough task onwards. Having been drawn with the very much improving USA and a Czech side who are beginning to indicate signals of the retuning glory days with an mythical performance in the last Euro Championships, Italy may be the competitors first large casualty, with Ghana being very tremendously an unsung entity. Group C caters to an early clash of the prominent boys, where the Dutch face are good deal better than their ungraded position suggests, but both Holland and Argentina need be firm enough to overcome Ivory Coast and Serbia & Montenegro to win to the second round. The only question in truth is of who may top the group and in theory cast the easier second round match.

Historically it has been very rocky for a South American squad to win a world cup in Europe and at first site Brazils ranking as clear front-runners might seem a little generous. Notwithstanding, the game is not the equal as it has been in the yesteryear and several of the Brazilian team already frolic in top European sides in England, Spain and Italy. Their adaptation has been years in the forming and the European manner of soccer fused with the traditional Brazilian genius and talent may be mouthwatering to observe. It might take a very expert face to take away their pennant from them and in Ronaldhino they have a player who can bend any play off on his own.

Perhaps the most fun facet of any world cup is catching the dark horses, those minnows from commonwealths not affiliated with footballing grandness, progress and bowl over some of the brighter lights. This time around, there are reasonable aspersions of African commonwealths in the blend and some surprises could come from there. It may be worth looking out for the likes of Ivory Coast and Ghana when determining where to set that venturesome high odds wager at the loan shark. South Korea, Maybe the surprise bundle of the previous world cup in Japan are unlikely to be capable to replicate their heroics and will not be undervalued a second instance

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About the Author

This Friday December 9, 2005 saw football lovers round the world clinging to the edge of their seats, ready and waiting to determine who they would play in the group stages of the World Cup 2006 in Germany.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tips About Your Real Estate Agent

So you're looking for a new house or a lot for sale on which you can build your dream house. You know you need to enlist the aid of a real estate agent. Here are some tips that will help you find the right one.

The first thing to remember and, ironically, the most important thing for a lot of people, is that your real estate agent will not be working for you. That's a common misconception. No matter who the real estate agent is and how close your personal ties may be, the agent's primary objective is to sell a piece of property to you. In fact, his income depends on that sale. The larger you pay for the property you want, the bigger his commission. Bear that in mind: it is in the real estate agent's interest to make you spend more.

Sometimes we become really comfortable and open with sales people that we share confidential matters that can have huge bearing on a potential sale. For instance, you may tell them that you are desperate for a piece of property because you have to move out of your old house within a week. This lets your sales agent know that they can sell the property to you at a high price. As a general rule, don't let anyone know how much you are willing to pay for a new house or lot.

Oftentimes, the first question that a real estate agent throws at you is precisely that: how much are you willing to pay? It's an old ploy so don't fall for it. In response, simply state the price that you want to pay and, if they ask again, tell them that's the ceiling. Add that if the seller does not agree to that price, then there is nothing to talk about and move on. Chances are great that a serious seller (or buyer, for that matter) will immediately turn down a prospect upon hearing the first bid. In all likelihood, a serious buyer or seller will negotiate and explore options.

Finally, don't let your real estate agent choose the lawyer who will write up the property agreement, precisely because the agent is trying to sell you something. It would be far better if you selected your attorney yourself.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Real Estate, Business, and Finance.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bravado Medela Playtext and EmmaJane Today's Nursing Bras are Functional Comfortable and Sexy

Gone are the days when pregnant and nursing mothers were confined to bed. Now nursing mothers are returning to work, going out and meeting friends and other mothers and they want a nursing bra that they feel comfortable wearing and one that looks chic.

Today there are all sorts of nursing bras to meet all requirements. There are 5 types of nursing bras; bras that unhook at the front, between the cups, bras that unzip at the base of the cup, bras that have a fastener or button on the front strap to allow access, bras that are stretchy and allow very easy access, and night-time nursing bras. Maternity bras come in all sizes as well, everything from petite to plus size nursing bras. The following brands of nursing bras offer some or all of these features.

Bravado nursing bras are extremely popular. Bravado maternity bras come in one of 3 ranges: the Bravado Original Nursing Bra, the Bravado Supreme Nursing Bra, and the Bravado Lifestyle Nursing Bra. The Original Nursing bra comes in 3 styles: Basic, Plus Style and Double Plus Style. Choosing which one suits you depends on whether you're expecting, have just given birth or have been breastfeeding for a while. If you're a new mother, then the Bravado Original Nursing Bra is the one for you. All bras are made from a super-soft cotton/spandex blend fabric, for maximum support and changing body shape. The Bravado Supreme Nursing Bra is for the fuller-breasted woman. Unlike other fuller-breasted bras the Supreme isn't under-wired but still holds its shape all day long. The bra also has a delicately embossed fabric, which is strong yet silky to the touch - clothing glides over it making breastfeeding very easy. The Bravado Lifestyle Nursing Bra is a very chic - dare I say sexy - bra with a low neckline, molded cups that give an incredibly smooth, seamless shape that is very flattering under tops and dresses. The neckline and strap have a very feminine lace edge and the nursing flaps open for full access for breastfeeding.

Medela nursing bras come in many types - too many to give an in-depth review. However, here are the ranges with some comments. The Medela Comfort Bra is probably going to suit most nursing mothers. It is for both day and night time wear, and Medela says it is the only soft bra available with convenient one-hand drop cup release for easy nursing - although other manufacturers might disagree. The Medela Comfort Bra is an excellent maternity bra, though not the prettiest you can buy. The Medela Seamlees Bra Line is a superb nursing bra and it's hard to find a better nursing bra. The Seamless range all come with low neckline with a delicate lacy pattern woven right into the fabric. Medela also claim that the two-piece cup has a unique one-hand outer cup release that allows easy opening for breastfeeding - again other would disagree. The bra affords a smooth, natural line under whatever top you wear. The Seamless line comes in several types, so there's bound to be one to suit every nursing mother. The different types available are; Softcup, Full Fit and Underwire. Medela have just recently release the Sleep Bra. It is made from very soft, stretchy fabric that allows easy drawback of the cup for breastfeeding - no fiddling with buttons, clasps or zips in the middle of the night. The Medela Classic Bra is very feminine and stylish. Again, the neckline is low and the lace 'softcup' is constructed of soft and cool cotton-Lycra. The cup size also adjusts to 3 positions to allow for the changing shape of the breast throughout the day. You can also buy the Medela Extended Size Classic Bra for the fuller-breasted woman - incidentally, the bra is designed to work with the Medela Pumping Free Attachment Kit.

The Playtex Expectant Moments Nursing Bra is a very stylish maternity bra. The neckline is very low and the cups are soft inside with a pointelle fabric outside. The fabric used is polyester, cotton, nylon and spandex. The combination of fabric provides support, comfort, coolness and easy adjustment. The bra fastens by means of a double hook at the back and there are pull-down front flaps, which have a plastic clasp at the top of the cup. The Playtex Expectant Moments bra is a very stylish but very affordable nursing bra.

Goddess nursing bras are made by the same company that also manufactures Rigby & Peller, Fantasie of England, and Freya, so you can be assured of their quality. Goddess make 2 types of nursing bras, the 1001 and 511. The 1001 Goddess nursing bra is unusual as it features bold printed shapes in red, black and white, printed above the nursing cups - the idea being to visually stimulate babies while nursing. The bra is made from 100% pure cotton. The neckline is quite low and the bra has broad straps to provide maximum comfort. The 511 is the more feminine design. The 511 Goddess nursing bra is made from a cotton/polyester fabric, embossed with a lace design. It has dual shoulder strap clasps for easy breastfeeding.

As you might expect the Elle Macpherson Nursing Bra is feminine, sexy and pricey. The Elle Macpherson La Mere nursing bra is very lacey, on both straps and the stretchy lace cups. The cups are lined with 100% cotton for comfort. The Elle Macpherson Maternelle Nursing Bra is also a very beautiful nursing bra. The bra is seamless, comes with wide straps and easy clips that allow the cup to be opened with one hand. Elle Macpherson nursing bras are very feminine and sexy but they do come at a price; not a bra you might wear every day but certainly the one to wear for that special occasion.

Gone are the days when nursing mothers hid indoors. Now any mother who is breastfeeding can find a nursing bra that fits her requirements; from comfortable and plain nursing bras to expensive and stylish nursing bras. Breastfeeding mothers can now go out into the world with their heads high and their chests out.

About the Author

Robin O'Brien is founder of breastfeeding information. It promotes the benefits of breastfeeding. You can find out more about what is the best nursing bra for you.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Promotional Umbrellas Perfect Branded Gifts

While many people think of promotional items as marketing gifts and promotional products, they have many other uses. Items printed with a slogan, public service announcement or charity name can make great fundraisers. Printed promotional umbrellas, jackets, caps and other gear are excellent money makers for dance schools, martial arts dojos and other types of instructional businesses.

Why should your organization try to raise money selling chocolate bars and gifts that give you back a minimal return on your investment ? and offer you nothing beyond the cash you bring in? Items like promotional umbrellas with your organization?s name or your message on them offer a chance to promote your charity or PSA for as long as the items last. Here?s some of the most popular business gifts to sell as a fundraiser or ongoing money-making effort to help your organization get the word out about your works.

Promotional umbrellas

Printed umbrellas are great sellers for any organization or event because they?re so very useful. Nearly everyone needs an extra umbrella, and will be quite happy to support your organization with a purchase of an item they can always use. Promotional umbrellas come in all shapes, sizes and colors, so it?s easy to have one printed up in your school?s colors, or incorporate the color scheme of your PSA campaign into it. They also fit into nearly every budget, with styles ranging from fold-up mini-umbrellas that tuck into a purse all the way up to enormous double-size promotional golf umbrellas that offer excellent coverage from the rain.

Printed Pens

When you include printed pens as one of your promotional items, you?ll make it possible for just about everyone to contribute to your efforts. Including low cost promotional pens among your sale merchandise makes your sales brochure kid-friendly, so that even those who have no more than pocket allowance can feel like they?ve done something to make a difference.

Printed T-shirts

Got a message to get out there? There?s no better way than to print it on a t-shirt. Printed t-shirts are great sellers at events and rallies, and will be worn long after the day to keep on spreading your message to everyone who sees it. You?ll find t-shirts for screen-printing in many colors and styles at companies that provide other types of promotional products to companies and organizations.

Rucksacks and Backpacks

Carry bags are always in demand. A quality rucksack, backpack or conference bag that carries your organization?s logo is an excellent promotional item to carry in a fundraising store. If you run a dance school or martial arts studio, your students will really appreciate the opportunity to cart their kit back and forth in a well-made bag that sports the school colors and crest.

Promotional Mugs and Water Bottles

A good mix of high quality and low cost items is essential to a fundraiser. ????????? Quality mugs and water bottles printed with your PSA message or organization logo are always excellent sellers for fundraising events. They fit easily into most budgets and offer a great markup for your charity?s benefit.

When looking for promotional umbrellas and other items to sell for fund raising and organization money-making, you?ll find that you do better to work with a company that will put their all into making sure you get the best products. Be sure to let the account manager you speak with know if you?re raising money for a non-profit cause in case the company offers discounts or extra services to charities and non-profits.

For more information on advertising promotional products, business gifts and promotional items check out the leading promotional gift suppliers online today!

Source: Free Articles from


Gareth Parkin is the co-founder of Ideasbynet, the UK's leading online promotional umbrellas and custom printed promotional umbrellas and promotional gifts company based in the north of England.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Evolution Of Video Game Characters

In the early days, and I mean the really early days of home video games, you had Pong: two bars, one square ball and that?s it. It was a very simple concept that anyone could literally figure out within seconds. Even more elementary than that was the fact that there were no characters, no plot, no storyline, no real purpose of the game, except to bump and bash that cubed ball back and forth. While Pong was a nice recreational distraction and diversion from the boredom of everyday life ? and back then, Pong was a big deal ? there was no real vested interest in the game once the video game system was shut off. That is to say, Pong was just a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

Fast forward to today, and video games are much more than simply something to play. They are now worlds with people and experiences that gamers get involved in and have serious personal stake in as well. Video game characters, especially, have evolved and grown over the years. While the erstwhile plumber was cute, he wasn?t really endearing. He didn?t say much, his emotions were limited and his experiences were fairly mundane. Heck, in his original solo adventure, he couldn?t even go too far backwards! He was simply the vehicle for which the video game player used to traverse the game.

Now, video game characters are people, with expressions and emotions. They have a history and a purpose. They have a back story, and they are vengeful. They have facial expressions that video game players can relate to. They aren?t just video game characters: they?re tragic heroes and misunderstood villains. They live and work in worlds that are at once foreign to us but recognizable too. Today?s video game characters speak to us, and for us. We want to hear what they say, and see how they act and react. They aren?t just computer generated characters by designers, they are actors, with a script to follow and a mystery to unravel.

The advancement and evolution of video game characters is to be expected, since video games themselves have advanced and evolved. In the old days, video games usually took place in a finite world ? that is to say that a video game player could sort of make out and define where and how the game would and should end. Because of that simplicity, it was easy to figure out what the character should do and be. Today?s video games, like the ones featured on the Xbox 360 or the Sony PSP, take place in immense worlds where a lot of random possibilities can occur. That requires the character in the video game to act and react in ways that we can?t really predict.

Also, today?s modern video game characters can be so likeable and interesting as well. With personalities, emotions and phrasing that can really make people laugh and take interest in the character. And, with cross-media branding being at the forefront of just about everything these days, you can bet that a popular video game with an exceptionally popular main character will be made into a movie, a comic-book or a TV show. While that?s great for media companies looking to make more than just a few extra dollars, it presents a real opportunity to flesh out and give the main character some more depth. Because while today?s video games are impressive in size and scope, they are still video games and they are still limited by its programming and design. But a movie or a TV program can really give new emotions to a character whom in some ways, already seems to be more than human.

About the Author:

Freddy Mason loves video games and it always looking for the deeper meaning in games (if one exists). Millennium3000 has deals on the Xbox 360 & the Sony PSP

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1031 Reverse Exchange Rules

The 1031 reverse exchange rules allow you to acquire your like kind replacement property before you sell your relinquished property. We will look more closely at the 1031 reverse exchange rules and potential ways this strategy is being applied.

Reverse 1031 exchanges give the Exchangor the flexibility to take all the time they need to locate the ideal replacement property, without the pressure of the forward 1031 exchange deadlines. Reverse 1031 exchanges have been structured by legal and tax advisors for years, but in terms of the actual "1031 reverse exchange rules" there was precious little guidance from the Department of the Treasury or Internal Revenue Service. Until very recently, investors only could look for guidance from certain tax court decisions that were handed down. Fortunately, exchangors no longer have to rely on the educated guesses of their advisors on 1031 reverse exchange rules about how to properly structure their reverse 1031 exchange transactions. Rules and guidelines have been established are basically as follows:

First, the reverse exchange must involve an Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (EAT). The EAT is an independent third party that holds, or parks, the Exchangor's Replacement Property following or prior to the exchange period. The EAT must have a qualified indicia of ownership at all times from the date of acquisition until transfer.

There are several types of reverse exchanges. The Safe-Harbor Reverse is an exchange whereby the EAT parks the replacement property prior to the sale of the old property. The exchanger must identify the relinquished property or properties within 45 days of the parking arrangement, and must have the entire transaction complete within 180 days of the parking arrangement.

The Traditional Reverse is a reverse exchange that typically looks identical in structure to the Safe-harbor reverse, yet it will fall outside of the safe-harbor due to the fact that it can not be completed within the time frames provided. Typically, the exchanger is unable to sell their old property within 180 days of the parking arrangement, and therefore the time frames set forth by the safe-harbor are not met. This type of transaction is not necessarily a "red flag" for an audit by the IRS, but does require quite a bit more documentation and consultation by the intermediary to assure the transaction is done properly to avoid scrutiny by the IRS.

A Construction/Improvement Reverse allows the exchanger to park a piece of property or land that will be built upon or improved during the exchange period. This is the most powerful reverse exchange available, as it allows the exchanger to literally create the exchange property they will eventually exchange into through the development or construction process.

As is probably no surpise from the cursory review of the 1031 reverse exchange rules, the costs surrounding 1031 reverse exchanges are considerably more than those for a traditional, Forward Delayed Exchange. However, with replacement property often being the biggest challenge to a succesful exchange, many investors think they are quite often well worth the expense.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Simple PostPartum Depression Cures

Post-Partum Depression is a debilitating, albeit extremely common, condition that affects new mothers everywhere. Medication is of course one of the standard remedies, but before you opt for it, there are other, simpler solutions which could very well get you back on your feet without modifying your metabolism.. This article lists several of them, drawn from accounts of actual users.

> Go to bed early and try to get a good night's sleep

> Lie down next to your heater vent and feel its comforting warmth

> Stroll in the park amongst the ducks, watching what they do

> Do things with your hands, perhaps a craft

> Work in the garden, watering plants and pulling up weeds; each is calming in its own way

> Buy yourself a fancy cup of coffee, savor it's fine taste and aroma

> Play with your kids and make plans with them for what you will do together when you are feeling better

> See a therapist regularly and make sure you are totally candid with him

> See a doctor regularly and make sure you are totally candid with him

> Stay away from alcohol and other depressants

> Have a relaxing bubble bath or a shower with something sweet to eat and drink; play soothing music while you are bathing

> Keep a journal about your feelings: it helps to externalize them

> Exercise regularly: this releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins) into your bloodstream

> Join and participate in online forums for post-partum depression; discuss your problem with others who have it, seek their advice and enjoy the comfort of a loving community

> Take part in activities with family and friends

> Read a good book

> Go visiting

> Call a close friend and talk to her/him

> Go for a drive

> Bake something; this will direct your attention to a subject other than parenting and refresh your mind

> Call your mom and talk to her about your problem. This could be the single most effective therapy for your situation, because she loves you, is deeply concerned about you and will make time to listen to you

> Ask your mom to visit for some days. She could help with your chores and thus create some personal time for you to do the other things mentioned here

> Put baby in her stroller and go out for a walk

> Let yourself wallow for a bit with no pressure and all pleasure - stay in your PJs, eat junk food, mope a bit

> Cuddle with your kids and if you feel like it, have a good cry while doing so. Realize there are people who truly love you (can't help but feel happy when your kids are giggling and rolling on the floor with you)

> Go to the beach if there is one nearby - look at the ocean and breathe the sea air

> Go shopping (nothing like good old-fashioned retail therapy!), or go window-shopping

> Have a long, deep chat with your dear husband, followed by a long, long cuddle and sweet kisses!
About the Author

Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Survival Guide for Singles 5 Ways to Enjoy the Season

How will you survive the holidays single? Very well if you put our mind to it! According to the Boston's TV show Chronicle, there are now more singles than married people. That's an amazing statistic. So how does that tidbit really impact you? Let's think about it.

Singles Set the Trends

As a single adult, you are now the majority! In the past, stigmas were associated with those who veered from the traditional path. But as of right now, you ARE the path. In other words ? enjoy the holidays anyway you like because at this point in time, finally, you are the trend setters! In fact, being single is actually in vogue. Good stuff right?

Five Ways to Ensure the Season Is Festive

Even though you have probably heard it all before, pick at least one or two and actually DO them.

1) Celebrate Single-Style

Get together with other single friends and celebrate the holidays single-style what ever that looks like for you! Throw a big dinner party, go out with a group, or get together with just your close buddies.

2) Focus on Charity

Donate some time to your favorite holiday charity. You might wrap presents for the United Way, collect gifts for Toys for Tots, or sing Christmas carols at nursing homes and assisted living centers. As you open your heart to give, you'll receive as well.

3) Through a Child's Eyes

Spend time with the children in your life. If you seek the magic of the season, hang out with kids who still elieve. Visit Santa, decorate cookies, tell holiday stories. Watching the celebration through the eyes of a child is refreshing and fun.

4) Don't Be a Party Pooper

Attend the parties you're invited to! Even though you rather stay home, go. You'll never meet anyone watching Miracle on 34th Street for the hundredth time. Put on something great, spiff yourself up and get out there. Holiday parties are only a drag when you are ? so do your best to get in the mood and have fun. Who knows ? you might be the life of the party or even meet an exciting new prospect. And maybe you'll have a chance to hang out under the mistletoe

5) Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Be grateful that you've made it to another holiday season. My Dad always says, another year older is better than the alternative. (Yes, Dad's quite a character.) Look back on the year with just one thing in mind ? what are you grateful for? What went well, made you happy, fell into place, took you by surprise, was a lot of fun, or added to your life in a good way? When you think about life from this perspective, you are bound to see the glass half full ? and that is a fabulous attitude with which to enter the New Year.

Be conscious of the choices you make and actively choose things that serve you and contribute to your happiness and joy. I'm rooting for you to have the most enjoyable holiday season ever.

To get f*r*e*e advice on 10 Reasons Why Women Should Never Pay on the First Date, visit Check out the book MANifesting Mr. Right: It?s Never Too Late to Find the Love You Want by Dating Coach and expert Ronnie Ann Ryan at

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Home Buying Tips

Owning a home is a dream for many people. With escalating real estate prices and the easy availability of loans, this is becoming a reality for most. Buying a home, especially for the first time, may be a daunting task. There are several aspects to be considered, and many decisions to be made.

Home buying involves several stages: locating the right kind of house, adjusting the finances, contacting a real estate agent, contacting a mortgage company, making an offer to the seller or to the agent, getting the loan, making the home inspection, getting a pre-approval, making the down payment, signing the contract, making any repairs or enhancements to the house, and finally, moving in.

The most important aspect to be considered before buying a house is to decide how long you would be staying in the house. Selling it too soon after buying would lead to loss of money in the form of transaction costs. Another most important formality is to check your credit report. A good credit report would not only ease the process of getting a mortgage but would also fetch a good interest rate. Look for a house you can easily afford -- most buyers put in too much money into the house, which in turn leads to a lot of frustration later. Check out the best mortgage option that would suit your requirements, both in the short and long run. Engage an agent, as this would give several advantages such as a wider choice of houses, a comparative market analysis, better negotiation with the seller, professional dealing with home inspectors, closing agents and other professionals, and representation in any problems or issues.

Make a survey of the prices of other houses that have been sold in the area in the last three months. This will make negotiation easier. Hiring a home inspector would also help. Make sure of all the documentation before the final deal. Take a particular look at the settlement statement, loan papers, contract, title deed, title insurance, homeowner?s insurance policy, and the closing cost estimate. Get a title search done. Check out the kind of disclosures the seller has to provide. Keep records of all the payments you have made to the agent, seller, or anyone else.

Home Buying provides detailed information on Home Buying, Home Buying Process, Home Buying Tips, Buying A Home With Bad Credit and more. Home Buying is affiliated with Home Selling Assistance.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Learn a Musical Instrument Prepare for a Career

For a skilled musician, there is an additional career path that is invisible to the non-musician. This is an additional benefit beyond the pleasure of playing music, the attention it brings, and the better academic performance than students who do not learn to play a musical instrument. It is a broad range of extra career opportunities that non-musicians never even consider.

But if you're a musician, you can apply. Let's take a look at these careers that are available only to musicians

Education: Are you a musician who has also studied education? If so, there are numerous music education opportunities that may interest you:

? Music educator at a college, conservatory, university; thousands of positions to apply for in both public and private colleges.

? Music teacher at secondary or elementary school; thousands more all over the US and the world.

? Private music instructor; there are hundreds of thousands of private piano teachers, guitar teachers, drum teachers, etc. working for themselves in private studios and/or teaching in a music store.

? Music supervisor; many opportunities to oversee musical programs in both public and private venues.

? Choir director; thousands of schools from elementary to college; thousands of churches who use choir directors.

Therapy: Are you a musician who has also studied psychiatry? You can practice the trade of music therapy in a wide array of settings. Some of the sources of employment for music therapists are the following:

? Schools

? Universities

? Nursing Homes

? Mental health clinics; the author worked as an assistant music therapist one summer when he was in college; it was a great experience.

? Correctional Facilities

? Private practice

Business: Ever wonder what it takes to work in business management? Besides business smarts, an ability to talk the language of music will take you places the non-musican cannot go:

? Artist Manager or Agent

? Talent Agent

? Concert Promoter

? Independent Radio Promoter

? Music Business Entrepreneur

? Music Business Consultant

? Record Company Executive

? Music Publisher

? Tour Coordinator

Performance: Actors are more highly valued if they have a musical education. Today, with so few actors multi-skilled as they were in the era of the large studios, this can be a real advantage. Below are some of the jobs for which an actor who is also a musician may incidentally be qualified.

? Performing artist

? Soloist, instrumental or vocal

? Studio musician

? Background vocalist

? Theatre musician

? Accompanist

? Church musician

? Product demonstrator for instrument manufacturer

Movies / Video Games: If you study movies or video game production, a background as a musician will help you prepare for music-related jobs such as the following:

? Conductor

? Music Composer

? Music Editor

? Music Supervisor (to scout for music)

? Arranger (to determine the mix of song elements per the conductor or producer's specifications)

? Sound designer (of effects to accompany music score)

? Jingle writer / composer

From education to video games, there are careers available for those who happen to have a background in music which the rest of us never see. Each of these fields requires time and study for proficiency, but they represent a career path that is nonexistent for non-musicians.

Sure, you already knew that playing music could improve your quality of life. Now you know it can improve the quality of your career.
About the Author

Friday, December 5, 2008

All About Infant Car Seat Covers

If you have a baby car seat for a baby, you could need a baby infant seat cover. These covers cover the inside of your baby's infant car seat.

Don't skimp when it comes baby car seat safety as it could cost you a lot of aggravation not to mention your babies well being.

The information on seat covers is constantly changing and this information is the latest we have been able to research and bring to you. But do your own research on the Internet as car seats and seat covers are constantly changing and improving.

If you have a baby car seat for a infant, you may need a cover. These covers that cover the inside of your baby's seat are wonderful. You can protect the seat, and cushion the baby as well which supports the infants head adequately with these seat covers.

You could find covers that are for a boy or a girl and in hues that might match the seat as well. You will also find the car seat covers in neutral colors where you haven't determined the sex yet.

For new infant seat covers are practically a requirement. This is because the seat cover assist in securing your new baby's head in place, and help keep it's head from flopping, or even striking the side of the seat.

Seat covers are great for safe guarding the lining of the infant seat too. They help protect from spilled liquids, and leaky diapers, and other spills that are bound to happen when you have a infant.

You will find that infant car seat covers can make a excellent infant shower gift. If you are going to a baby shower, this is a must have item for any new mother-to-be. All baby car seats should have covers to protect the baby's head and the seat and if you don't know what sex the mother-to-be is having, you can get a few in various shades of pink or blue so that the mother can return them. If you're unsure of whether the mother to be is having a boy or a girl, a neutral color would work also.

The bottom line is, you can purchase an infant seat cover as a gift or as a necessity. All new mother-to-be's should have 1 or 2, so that when mother is wiping up one, you will have an extra one for use in case of an accident.
About the Author

Get more information on baby car seats, baby car seat covers, convertible or booster seats with articles, tips and resources at:
Baby Car Seats

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Valuable Real Estate Purchasing Tips

Perhaps the most important process of buying or selling your home is the ?contract of purchase and sale?. This one contract must be the strongest link in the chain that holds your purchase or sale together. The intent of each item included in this contract must be clear with no misunderstandings. In other words, everyone understand what to do and when to do it.

The ?contract of purchase and sale? has been developed by the B.C. Real Estate Association and the Canadian Bar Association within British Columbia. This contract is mostly suitable for residential real estate and should not be used for commercial transactions. One major issue in the contract of purchase and sale that is often over looked is the numbering of pages. The approved contract and all ammendum pages should be cross referenced. The appropriate page number should be written at the top of each page (i.e., Page 1 of 3, or Page 2 of 3 and so forth).

An amendment to an original contract of purchase and sale is essentially known as a change in the agreement. This new agreement that has been made should be put in writing in what as known as an ?addendum form? and signed by all the parties to the contract. Each of these parties much receive a copy and this copy must be dated appropriately. The amendment done on the addendum form must clearly refer to the original contract and ?all other terms and conditions remain the same? should be in writing after the change.

Are you out of the country or out of the province? The seller or buyer may appoint someone (realtor or another person) to act on his or her behalf with regards to any real estate transaction. This authorization should explain the exact terms and conditions under what authority the person has to sign on an agreement. For example: A telegram, letter or fax may be perfectly fine for this person to sign for. However, the signing of legal binding agreement may need the signature of ?power of attorney?. When a person is granting the power of attorney to another individual, the proper way to complete this is as shown. However, should not be taken as legal advice and should not be used without first consulting your lawyer.

? First-Name Last-Name grants a power of attorney to her friend First-Name Last-Name to enter into contracts for the sale of his/her property.? This friend could then sign both the listing contract and any other contracts including the contract of purchase and sale. This agreement should be witnessed by another person. This should be done on the correct form provided by your lawyer of choice. Legal Counsel is recommended that all parties to a transaction be advised to have legal advice from separate lawyers.

?Subject to? Clauses in the purchase of your new home, condo, apartment or mobile home is a very important binding element of your agreement. If one or both parties are not clear, this can weaken your agreement and could alter the original intentions of the purchase and sale. The ideal subject clause is one whose criteria are so clear that it is completely obvious whether the criteria for satisfying that clause are met. When your looking at your clauses consider this. Is your clause subjective or objective? Here?s the difference:

A subjective ? Is one that depends on the personal view of the individual who decides it.

An Objective ? (in contrast) Is an objective clause that depends on the external event.

The more subjective the wording of a subject clause, the higher the chases the court system in British Columbia will find the clause to be uncertain. So how do you make your clause more objective? Make it clear so that everyone may easily know whether the clause is fulfilled or not. The more objective it is, the more you can prove whether the subject clause is completed or not.

Your local realtor is required to take a course on proper contractual writing and should have an innate knowledge of the law. If you have questions, don?t only present your questions or concerts to your realtor, but your lawyer as well. For the most part the experience of your realtor and the requirements put forth by the BCREA (British Columbia Real Estate Association) should be sufficient. In conclusion the be sure that all pages are numbered, the addendum is clear with signatures and that your ?subject to? clauses are clear and objective.

Shane Toews is a Licenced Realtor who helps others to educate themselves on current real estate issues. He also provides assistance on how to locate quality homes, apartments or vacation rentals in Canada's Fraser Valley area. Visit his website for more information on Canada's Fraser Valley Real Estate Market

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Investing in Real Estate Foreclosures Can Make You a Lot of Money

Real estate foreclosures are properties that have been repossessed by lenders because the previous owner of the property failed to make mortgage payments under the terms of the loan. The lenders then sell these properties to the public in order to recover their losses. Sometimes these properties are sold at a real estate auction, where foreclosure real estate goes to the highest bidder. But they may also be sold by the homeowners themselves, or by government agencies.

There are different types of foreclosure properties that you can buy. These include foreclosure homes, bank owned properties, repo-homes, HUD homes and VA foreclosures.

While their popularity and value as a commodity is now higher than ever, foreclosure homes have been around for many years and have always been a great way to invest in real estate. The most important thing to know about real estate investing and foreclosure properties is that while many foreclosures can be bought at prices way below market value, this is not the rule. Some foreclosure properties are sold at or around market value and will not allow you to earn as much money. You can still get very good deals, but you must do your research and carefully evaluate each opportunity

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jaguar's New Level of Pricing Packages and Performance

Jaguar North America has recently announced the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) and option packaged for its 2007 XKR Coupe and Convertible.

Due to the rising demands of car enthusiasts, Jaguar has engineered its 2007 XKR Coupe and Convertible to exceed those demands. Jaguar has designed its Coupe and Convertible to create more stunning cars, which have sophisticated transmission, improved sporting surface and interior styles, as well as advanced aluminum chassis for ideal durability. The all-new Jaguar 2007 XKR Coupe is priced from $86,500. On the other hand, the 2007 XKR Convertible will be priced from $92,500. Said prices include delivery and destination charges. Jaguar XKR parts are also made to complement the modifications made to these cars.

2007 XKR Coupe was introduced in the year 2005. It is an epitome of the modern-day sports car that perfectly illustrates style, excellence and power. This is the philosophy of Jaguar that needs to be exercised and cared for to maintain its world-class performance.

Mike O'Driscoll, president of Aston Martin Jaguar Land Rover says, The 2007 XKR Coupe and Convertible are sensational cars to drive that define the road. He further added, With a 420bhp supercharged AJ-V8 engine under its hood, the 2007 XKR provides those who have an affinity for power and luxury with the combination of exhilaration and refinement.

Jaguar also released several packages for their customers to enjoy. One of the Packages offered by Jaguar is the Luxury Package. It has soft-grain leather, leather-trimmed instrument panel and 16-way power seats with adjustable bolsters. Another package is the Premium Sound Package, which includes eight-speaker, 525-watt surround sound Alpine Premium Dolby ProLogic(R) II system with SIRIUS Satellite Radio. Lastly, Jaguar also offers the Advanced Technology Package, which includes Adaptive Cruise Control and Active Front Lighting. It is offered for both the Coupe and Convertible. Aside from the packages, Jaguar is also offering a variety of individual options to choose from.

Trendy and high-performance Jaguar Coupe and Convertible can now be had at affordable prices.
About the Author

Michelle Crimson holds a degree in business administration. She is currently working as an editor in New Orleans, Louisiana. This 32 year old mother of two is also a car racing fanatic.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Bustiers: For Brides And For Every Woman

For the bride-to-be, a bridal bustier is a must-have. You want to feel like the most beautiful woman on earth when you walk down the aisle. A bridal bustier helps by making sure you look amazing in your wedding dress. They slim, flatten, and hoist, all while looking smooth and seamless under your gown.

Here?s how the bridal bustier works. Bustiers start at the bosom and go down to the hips. They?re like corsets in that they feature boning that helps keep everything ?in place,? so to speak.

Bridal bustiers are created to be invisible. Often, they?re totally seamless and feature hidden underwire, a low-cut back, and straps that can be removed. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of bridal bustiers are white.

Bustiers, corsets, and basques are actually three different pieces of lingerie. If you hear the term ?bustier corset,? it usually refers to a bustier that?s made to firmly cinch and hold. The bustier corset is something women turn to when an ensemble calls for a near-perfect figure. You probably wouldn?t want to wear one every day, but they?re ideal for occasions when you want to be an absolute knock-out. A bustier corset can instantly trim 3 or 4 pounds off your figure and make you appear curvy yet toned.

Almost all bustiers come with removal straps. The strapless bustier has a couple of different uses. They?re ideal for wearing under a strapless gown and tube tops. In fact, they?re also great for a top or dress with thin spaghetti straps. A strapless bustier provides all the support you need, but with no unsightly appearances from your bra straps.

A strapless bustier can also be a fashion statement. Increasingly, women are wearing strapless bustiers as tops. They?re sexy and sassy for a night on the town. Paired with a blazer they can even be toned down enough for less wild occasions.

Lots of sexy costumes feature bustiers. Using a bustier in the costume?s design can make even Little Red Riding Hood a red hot temptress. A witch costume complete with a bustier says no warts here, only delightfully devilish spells. Here are just a few of the sexy costumes that typically include bustiers:
?Bar maid
?Santa?s little helper

Of course, as you already know, bustiers make for sizzling sexy lingerie. No piece of sexy lingerie is truly sexy unless it makes you feel fabulous. And fabulous you will feel with the womanly, hourglass shape that an exotic bustier will give you.

When meant to serve as sexy lingerie, bustiers come in less ?functional? varieties. That is, the vertical seams and lacing are meant to be visually appealing and not to constrict. You get the best of both worlds: an exotic bustier that?s seductive yet fairly comfortable to wear.

Sexy, lacey bras and panties are great, but can become common-place. An exotic bustier makes you look and feel like a ?take charge? kind of gal. Really wow that special someone with a piece of lingerie they never expected. Even the shyest of women will feel like a total goddess in an exotic bustier.

About the Author:

Adrian Jones has been involved in the sexy lingerie uk market for many years. This article outlines the benefits of women wearing sexy costumes as if that needed much explaining!